Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Boys

The first thing that's most likely to pop into your head after you read this is, "She's a slut." However, I promise you, I am not. I like having guy friends better than girl friends. Why? Because guys are so much better, haha. They won't go whispering your secrets to another friend, because they feel no need to. They don't get all bitchy, they don't have to watch what they eat, they're up for anything and aren't worried about breaking a nail. Plus, they don't judge you nearly as much as girl friends do. I love my guy friends, they're the best friends I have, including my amazing boyfriend. Over the weekend I spent the day with Rudy, Zach, and Dave, then we went to Rudy's unbelievably awesome concert that he's been planning for a year, and then went to Denny's with the bands. I didn't get home until the AM, and I was completely exhausted, but it was possibly one of the best days of my life. I had fun. I had no worries. I was just hanging out, not caring and being with people who make me happy.

I took a bunch of pictures of the crazy trio at Pioneer Park. They were acting like children running all over the place, I felt like their mom or something, trying to make sure they didn't kill themselves.

Gotta love them.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I was browsing We Heart It, as I do almost every day, and I found so many wonderful pictures. I chose one to talk about. It hit me hard because I know the feeling. I love my dad so much, but he was taken from me. First by what I believe was depression due to the death of my half brother, and then his own death. It truly is terrible, to love something that death can so easily snatch away. You never know when it's going to happen, you never know when the words you're speaking to them might be the last they ever hear from you, or when the date and moment that you will always remember will occur. I've never forgotten the day my father died, and I never will. I won't forget the chaos, the bravery, the love, the loss. It will be with me forever, because of someone death took from me.

Because of the reality I have been forced to face, the reality that at any moment someone you love can be taken away, I'm scared. It's hard to love when in the back of your mind there's this nagging voice that says, "Don't get attached, they could be taken too. Stay away, or the hurt will come back." Then I start wondering, that if it does happen again, will I be able to come back? I know I'm not perfect or extremely pleasant, but I'm happy with the way I came out of the most terrible part of my life. I'm happy that I fought through, and continue to fight. I'm proud that I continue to be strong. However, what if I lose my strength? What if it happens again and I'm left, broken, shattered into a million pieces that I'm too hurt to gather. If I don't have the strength to put myself together again, what would happen to me?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Killing Billi

Wordle: Killing Billi
I took Billi to my cabin in the woods
and we killed her in our red jackets and our hoods
Her parents thought they could trust me
but I guess they'll have to see
when they find her body in the lake by the tree

Monday, April 2, 2012

For Neade, From Breanna, With Love

Dear Neade, these are far from my favorite poems, but since I seem to have lost everything else, here ya go. Most of them are from the packet you gave us, and I'll finish writing the rest before Tuesday. I have the wordle poem printed out and will try to give it to you before the end of school today.


Written By: Breanna Byrd

Table of Contents:
The Ocean
The Sounds of Winter
The Sun
We're, Like, So Sexy
Fire (free verse)
It saves some
Destroys others
Warms you
Or burns you
Its bipolar personality is a result of who creates it
If it is created by hate, or stupidity
The outcome is likely to be disastrous
Its anger cannot be easily stifled
It destroys without remorse
However, if created with care or need
It is likely to be a friend
It will hold darkness and cold at bay
To protect those who respect it
To save those who need it
It can hate
But it can also love

Life (metaphor)
Life is an obstacle, on our way to Heaven
Life is a game, sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose
Life is a joy, thousands of smiles
Life is what keeps us going, trying to make it through
Life is what we hate, when we need something to blame
Life is what we love, when we are blessed with happy moments
Life is what we strive for, when all else is lost
Life is what we fight for, when on the brink of death
Life is an endless puzzle, all of us contribute a piece
Life is a repeated pattern, but is never exactly the same
Life is a fire, fueled by accomplishments
Life is love
Life is inevitable
Life is flawed
Life is ending

Loving you always
Even when I am angry
With all that I have

Beautiful, fiery, understanding, relaxed
Relative of Brenda
Who reads books, poems, minds
Who likes literature, good food, fire
Who loves Rudy, winter, comfy clothes
Who fears herself, spiders, heights
Who wishes for serenity, intelligence, patience
Who needs love, understanding, friends

The Ocean (simile, alliteration)
The Ocean
It’s like God emotion
Spread out across the world for all to see
Sometimes thrashing and bashing
Raging and roiling
Like Hell extinguished
Leaving water to punish the sinners
Other times calm and complacent
Chasing children up the shore
Happily reflecting beautiful sunsets
And taking us places we never thought possible

The Sounds of Winter (onomatopoeia)
Some believe winter is silent
All sounds hidden by a blanket of snow
Those who know it best however
Can enjoy the silence
But hear past it as well
We can hear the twitter of tiny birds
The crunch of every step
The wind whispering through the trees
Passing secrets with a hushed swish
A wish in every whisper
Hope passing with every breeze
These are the sounds of winter

The Sun
So much depends
The brightly blazing
Pouring warmth down upon the ants that are
On a beautiful summer

I have snapped
At you
Because my energy is drained
From lack of needed rest
And the pain within my chest
I know you don’t deserve
The attitude I gave you
Forgive me
I was angry
And you were being
Terribly dumb

We’re, Like, So Sexy
We’re so sexy
In our short skirts
Tight shirts
Tall shoes
Everyone loves to watch
The way we move
We’re so happy we’re in
Loveless relationships

Books (magnetic poetry)
Portals to another world
An escape from our troubles
A dream already made

Some physical
Other mental
Whether noticed
Or not
The pain they represent is real
Each is a wound that needs time to heal

iRresistibly handsome
Unbelievably sweet
Dorky beyond compare
crazY enough to make you wonder

It starts with passion

Turns to patience

Comes to a close with screaming

Ends with adoration

Seconds are like blinks
Hardly noticed

Minutes are like heartbeats
Easily counted

Hours are like breaths
Agonizingly passing

Is school over yet?

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Many Ways I Am Challenged

1. I am technologically challenged. I tried to reply to Kacee's comment and *buzzer noise* Nope! Technology rejected me. So..I'll work on that in Creative Writing, lol.

2. I am athletically challenged. I am probably the least flexible person on the planet, plus sports equipment seems to be attracted to me. If there is a ball or frisbee flying through the air, it is almost certain to find my face. This plus my shyness creates a crazy fear of sports. There are maybe three that I can enjoy: soccer <3 data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-badminton.="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-frisbee="" data-blogger-escaped-ultimate="">
3. I am socially challenged. I use to be so shy that I had only one friend. We grew up together, my Brookie Cookie <3 data-blogger-escaped-.="" data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-being="" data-blogger-escaped-boyfriend="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-but="" data-blogger-escaped-can="" data-blogger-escaped-challenge.="" data-blogger-escaped-coming="" data-blogger-escaped-considering="" data-blogger-escaped-dance="" data-blogger-escaped-dancing="" data-blogger-escaped-days.="" data-blogger-escaped-floor.="" data-blogger-escaped-friends="" data-blogger-escaped-go="" data-blogger-escaped-greatly.="" data-blogger-escaped-gross.="" data-blogger-escaped-have..uh..several="" data-blogger-escaped-how="" data-blogger-escaped-however="" data-blogger-escaped-huge="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-it="" data-blogger-escaped-like="" data-blogger-escaped-lower="" data-blogger-escaped-made="" data-blogger-escaped-makes="" data-blogger-escaped-me="" data-blogger-escaped-morals="" data-blogger-escaped-my="" data-blogger-escaped-nauseous.="" data-blogger-escaped-no="" data-blogger-escaped-now="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-often="" data-blogger-escaped-on="" data-blogger-escaped-over="" data-blogger-escaped-people="" data-blogger-escaped-progress="" data-blogger-escaped-s="" data-blogger-escaped-sex="" data-blogger-escaped-so="" data-blogger-escaped-social="" data-blogger-escaped-standards="" data-blogger-escaped-still="" data-blogger-escaped-sure="" data-blogger-escaped-surprise="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-the="" data-blogger-escaped-their="" data-blogger-escaped-these="" data-blogger-escaped-though="" data-blogger-escaped-thought="" data-blogger-escaped-time="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-up="" data-blogger-escaped-ve="" data-blogger-escaped-wants="" data-blogger-escaped-way="" data-blogger-escaped-wonder="">
I think that's it for now. I feel a bit pathetic, lol. Oh well.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Liar Liar Pants On Fire

Well, I lied. I didn't just pass out, and I'm pretty much wide awake. Oh..I forgot I had coffee while I was cleaning. Ha, oops.. So, I'm going to throw some random things in here and upload a pic of something my dear, silly Zach did.

Random Things:
1. I love Perry the Platypus
2. I have a thing for big macs (yes l know what's in them and I've watched Supersize Me approximately three times) If you want to known my theory on why I love them so much, ask. It's an interesting little story.
3. I have two dogs, Fred and Gunner :)
4. I love winter
5. I have three pieces of jewelry that I always wear, and each has a story

So, those are my random things :) I'm feeling better.. Talking to my best friend and my boy helps, they always know how to cheer me up. I think I'm going to actually sleep now though, maybe..we'll see..

A Big Bad Wolf Named Today

I feel the need to point out that I was trying to fix something on this and so it was reposted on..whatever day this is.

Today, as I told my best friend, was a "good good good, TERRIBLE TERRIBLE" day.

The good came from an okay school day, and hanging out with my boyfriend, Rudy, and our friend Zach after school. We decided to be fatties and get McDonald's, and then they took me to Gullivers Bookstore to spend my $100 gift card that had been a birthday present from my grandparents. They waited patiently, playing with toys and trying on silly animal hats while I looked at books. Then helped me carry the huge stack around while I chose my last few books. I was determined to spend all $100 in order to get a free tote bag, pretty nerdy, right? My boy even ran out to the truck to get my wallet, carried my books, handed the money to the cashier, and asked for the tote bag. He's a sweetheart. We all drove to my house then, and I got dropped off so Zach could go help Rudy with his secret one year anniversary plans. I'm excited, but nervous. I have no clue as to what that crazy kid is planning, except that Zach is involved. That definitely means trouble. Maybe the band..who knows.

The bad part of my day.. It wasn't just normal bad, it was an unusually depressing bad.. My friend, Brookie Cookie, who I grew up with, has a sweet little brother who has been in the hospital for two nights. Apparently he can't move his legs, and is in pain.. No child deserves that.. The doctors can't seem to figure out what's causing his symptoms, and I've been asking my friends to pray for him and the family.. Please do. The second TERRIBLE stands for what happened while my family was cleaning the vet office in North Pole. My brother and I were cleaning in the kennel, and then I heard my mom yelling so I went to see what was going on. She was saying, "Is that you guys knocking?" I told her no, then I heard the knocking too. We looked down the hall and there was a man at the front door, he looked really worried. Mom went to talk to him through the glass, and told him that we couldn't let him and that we were just cleaning. His dog had been hit and you could tell he was so..torn up, ya know? It was so sad.. Mom called the people who own the clinic and got the number of the night time clinic or something. I guess they're driving there. Mom said she could see the dog wrapped in a towel sitting in a woman's lap and it wasn't moving.. Sorry, anyways, I just hope it all works out. We're going down my driveway right now, so I'm going to go crash I guess. I'll sleep off the bad day.